Amber Glen Feed Depot is Pinellas County’s one stop animal supply house. Knowledgeable staff and customer support is a priority. Thank you for supporting local.
Economical double strength dewormer formula - 4 oz. per 50 lb of body weight
No milk withdrawal. 30 day slaughter withdrawal
Convenient, single dose treatment at any time during production cycle, helping you to strategically deworm the entire herd.
Palatable, stable in any meal form.
Very safe. Rumatel, when administered during safety trials at twenty times the recommended level, produced no adverse reactions. Backed by years of safe use in goats.
Does not adversely impact reproductive performance.
May by used frequently. Conditions of constant worm exposure may require retreatment within 2 to 4 weeks.
4 oz. measuring scoop included inside every bag for simple dosing.